"The artist and researcher Seila Fernández Arconada (Santander, 1986) has been selected by the jury of Km. 0 l'Horta València to carry out the work that will represent the symbolic epicenter of the city in the garden of Valencia, an initiative that seeks to highlight the value of this space as a promoter for the culture and the economy of the territory, as well as a vital element of the Valencian identity. Specifically, the artistic intervention by Seila Fernández Arconada will consist of four sculptural pieces made with natural materials (roots and branches collected on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) and “planted” in the ground as totems. In addition, for its decoration it will use dyes from local vegetables and citrus. The Km. 0 l'Horta València call has been promoted by Turisme Carraixet with the support of the Diputació de València and the management of Enclave Land Art. The objective is to revitalize the towns of this community (Alfara del Patriarca, Foios, Bonrepòs i Mirambell , Vinalesa, Almàssera, Meliana and Albalat dels Sorells) as rich and sustainable proximity destinations. *This text has been translated to english from the media publishing the selection (in Spanish and Valencian originally) sources here: www.lavanguardia.com/local/valencia/20201001/483774715792/la-artista-seila-fernandez-arconada-creara-el-kilometro-0-de-la-huerta.html https://valenciaextra.com/seila-fernandez-arconada-creara-kilometro-0-de-la-huerta/ https://www.europapress.es/comunitat-valenciana/noticia-artista-seila-fernandez-arconada-creara-kilometro-huerta-valencia-20201001102202.html www.losojosdehipatia.com.es/exposiciones/la-artista-seila-fernandez-arconada-creara-el-kilometro-0-de-valencia-en-la-huerta/
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