International Group Trainer,
Facilitator of Collaborative (Con)viviality Spaces, International workshops
(Intercultural, Transdisciplinary, Artistic-Non-Formal Pedagogy...)
Facilitator of Collaborative (Con)viviality Spaces, International workshops
(Intercultural, Transdisciplinary, Artistic-Non-Formal Pedagogy...)
What do I offer?
Situated Workshops: I create situated projects, workshops, exchanges following the opportunities and limitations of each opportunity while looking for the best methods to promote intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and artistic collaboration. All collective spaces require of specific topics, methods, needs and objectives and this experience has given me a wide range of skills and expertise to train and facilitate with different groups in:
- Educational Institutions: Schools, universities, research centers and adult education centers
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Community Groups and Colectives
- Cultural Centers and Museums
Collaborative Spaces: Creating inclusive respectful environments for intercultural transdisciplinary dialogue can offer meaningful exchange for collaborations to take place. I create spaces where safety is vital, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose among participants in order to empower individuals and communities.
Holistic Artistic Approach: by following bespoke creative and experiential approaches to promote engagement and understanding, I create unique proposals where topics merge with methods inspired by: (eco)socially engaged art practices, trauma-informed approaches, ancestral and transdisciplinary learning, ecological literacy, outdoors non formal education... This space for artistic expresion allows different art forms to explore personal and collective narratives.
Contemporary ecosocial issues: by situating workshops in the here-now I provide a (g)local contextual information on ecosocial challenges, showing interconnectedness to topics such as climate change, food sovereignty, sustainable approaches… among many other that merge into the question "how is our relationship with Nature?" (the core of my research in my artistic practice). This approach enables a deeper understanding on such topics as well as promotes other narratives and questions based upon embodied learning and collective imagination.
International perspective: for over 20 years I have been a migrant, this perspective is key on international intercultural projects. This unique pathway that took me to develop projects in different continents becomes a set of multicultural skills. I have worked with diverse communities worldwide while experiencing various ecosocial crisis such wars and natural disasters.
Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution: I am experienced at working with diverse groups of people and skilled in addressing disagreements, fostering understanding, and facilitating productive group dynamics. My ability to create safe and supportive environments, combined with my expertise in conflict management and resolution, enables me to effectively navigate challenges and promote collaboration.
As an experienced international group trainer and facilitator, I am specialised in creating immersive, inclusive and dynamic environments for diverse groups to engage in meaningful dialogue, sharing experiences to create long lasting bonds and networks. With a strong foundation in artistic methodology, inspired by academic transdisciplinary methods merged with artistic experiential practices, intercultural dialogue and non-formal pedagogy, I am committed to create project specific methods responding to a wide range of topics and groups.
This expertise has been materialised in many projects along my artist-researcher experience. It is born, a long time ago, when I was a teenager I used to be a kids facilitator in summer camps in Spain which grew up in various ways including workshops with adults and kids in my early 20s as one of the art leaders at the community center "Midnimo Center "in St Pauls, Bristol (UK), a long term community engagement that inspired and settled the pillars of my early artistic practice. |
Examples of recent projects:
Artist trainer and facilitator of the curated collective transdisciplinary space “Seeds in the Snow: Winter Artistic Collaborations for a Shared Future” 18th to 24th of January 2024, Nigüelas (Granada, Spain). Project organised by Lernlabor. |
Artist Trainer at the internatioanl training course: "Germinating Futures: Collaborative art and care for eco-social (re)balance” 22-03-2024 to 03-04-2024 in Lutter Am Barrengerge (Germany). Project organised by Lernlabor. |
Artist leader and trainer at the collaborative project “Cueva de sombras, plantas de luz”. Collaboration with the 5º grade of the School "Cuevas del Castillo", Vargas (Cantabria, Spain ). May/June 2023. Framed in "Pedagogies of tomorrow organised by Reina Sofia Contemporary Art Museum and Garúa Cooperative.
Artist Trainer in the Youth Participation project: “Transcending uncertainties: Art healing for uprooting times” 15th to 20th of February 2023 (Gerswalde, Germany), included in the project Engagement Academy organised by Lernlabor. |
Artist trainer, curator and project content designer of "Post Truth? Countering Disinformation Narratives", series of transdisciplinary collaborative residencies-training spaces in Ukraine, Poland, France and Germany. This project took place in 2024, organised by Lernlabor and local partner organisations.
Artist researcher and trainer creator of the series of workshops "Drawing (inter) actions collaborative research, Art and Care for ecosocial (re)balance" May 2022. A collaboration with the Public Engagement team, the Research Governance team and the Cabot Institute at the University of Bristol. (UK) |
Artist trainer and mural facilitator at the project Co-creating Remedies.Collective Art for a Shared Present . Collective workshops "sharing is caring" with a final creation of participatory mural. November 2022, Poznan (Poland) organised by Logos NGO. |
Artist trainer creator of the project "Shifting Perspectives: Merging approaches to art and activism. Experimental Exchange of Experiences" in Ukraine and Germany, 2018. Project organised by EVZ Foundation, Meet up, Logos NGO. |
Artist trainer and creator of the project "Punto de Reunión, procesos artísticos puntualizando el aquí y ahora". Psychology Faculty of Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Querétaro, México), 25th of February 2019. |
Artist Trainer at the internatioanl training course: "Reforesting minds. Artistic practices for ecological restoration and collective resilience" 18th to 27th of March 2022. Lutter am Barrengerge. (Germany) Project organised by Lernlabor. |
Artist trainer creator of the project "Harvesting Hope: Artistic Alchemy and Collective Care for Eco-Social Renewal" March 15th to 24th, 2024 in Lutter am Barrengerge (Germany). Organised by Lernlabor. |
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