18th-24th January 2024
Nigüelas (Granada, Spain)
Nigüelas (Granada, Spain)
¨During five-days artists, scientists, youth workers and civil society activists explored the tangled threads of the ecosocial crisis through collective learning inspired by socially engaged art practices. Through hands-on transdisciplinary methods, reflective dialogues and shared rural experiences, we look for artistic “natural” connections between different kinds of knowledge while experiencing togetherness.
During the time together we explored the uncertainties of the contemporary landscapes reflecting on the uncertain times we are living while rethinking about sustainability, climate change, collaboration and Nature among others.
From the led presentations and discussions, to activities in the mountains and the local science museum (Parque de las Ciencias de Andalucía) while having local experts like Félix Picazo who shared with us a great lesson about ecology by collaborating with Nature. Also, these five days allowed an immersive (co)habiting experience as we lived together at the Molino while all the exchanged was taking place (listening, talking, drawing, hiking, reading, playing, watching, laughing, thinking, creating… and loads more)
As result, all participants created projects in collaboration to take further ideas and experiment on methodologies for all to experience. In addition, the process became an outcome collected in the collaborative experimental book created as one of the results of this project (shared below).
“Seeds in the Snow: Winter Artistic Collaborations for a Shared Future” has been created and led by Seila Fernández Arconada and organised by Lernlabor. Participants of this project are professional guests as seeds in the snow who were invited to participate in this transdisciplinary endeavour together.
This project has been funded by the European Union.
Photos by Seila Fernández Arconada