Knock Out is a direct response to Here, now, where? by S.F.A and E.V.C.
The English language drives the world; it is as international and globalised as the Internet. Internet is a global system where data travels, where people are connected to the world. Knock Out translates the most popular words and phases of 2013 from the Annual Global Survey of English Language into a sound piece. It questions meaning of concepts while generating an atmosphere where the end is the beginning. A story of the universal from and for personal experiences, a story of the society we are living in, which can knock you out if you don’t know the meaning.
The English language drives the world; it is as international and globalised as the Internet. Internet is a global system where data travels, where people are connected to the world. Knock Out translates the most popular words and phases of 2013 from the Annual Global Survey of English Language into a sound piece. It questions meaning of concepts while generating an atmosphere where the end is the beginning. A story of the universal from and for personal experiences, a story of the society we are living in, which can knock you out if you don’t know the meaning.
here. now. where?
A participatory sonic taxi ambulation curated by Saout Radio, at the 5th Biennale of Marrakech.
February 25th - 2nd of March 2014.
Images courtesy of Saout Radio.
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